IWN 2018
- 日時
- 2018年11月11日(日)~16日(金)
- 場所
- 石川県立音楽堂、ANAクラウンプラザホテル金沢
- 内容
The International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018) will be held in Kanazawa, Japan, from November 11 to 16, 2018. The nine previous workshops were held in Nagoya, Japan (IWN 2000); Aachen, Germany (IWN 2002); Pittsburgh, USA (IWN 2004); Kyoto, Japan (IWN 2006); Montreux, Switzerland (IWN 2008); Tampa, USA (IWN 2010); Sapporo, Japan (IWN 2012), Wrocław, Poland (IWN 2014); and Orland, USA (IWN 2016).
IWN 2018 will be organized as a combination of four independent workshops. In each workshop, in-depth discussions will be held on a focused aspect of the essential physics and chemistry underlying the critical issues associated with nitride materials. These scientific activities will contribute to breakthroughs in critical technological barriers that need to be overcome in order to improve the performance of nitride devices.- リンク